superfood breakfast cookies

These breakfast biscuits are packed with ingredients that are healthy and wholesome for breakfast on the go! They are vegan friendly, and free from gluten, processed sugar, & milk!

I have been homeschooling for almost 7 decades now. My husband and I are college graduates, since I felt inadequate, but getting started was hard. I mean have you ever seen that series Are a Grader Currently than You? Since I barely knew the answers, well I am dumber than a grader!

Superfood Breakfast Cookies

Cook time:15 mins
Overall Moment:15 mins

These biscuits are wholesome for breakfast on the move and packed with healthful ingredients! They are vegetarian friendly, and free from gluten, processed sugar, & milk!

Recipe type: Breakfast Vegan


  1. 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats (utilize certified fermented oats, if necessary )
  2. 1 tbsp chia seeds
  3. 1 tsp cinnamon
  4. 1/2 tsp baking powder
  5. 1/4 tsp salt
  6. 3 tbsp coconut oil or butter
  7. 3 tbsp honey coconut nectar/syrup, or other sweetener that is liquid
  8. 2 tbsp milk or milk of alternative


  1. Blend dry ingredients in a large bowloats, oat flour, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, ground flaxseed, chia seeds, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Stir in mashed banana, coconut oil, coconut nectar, and milk till well mixed. Let mixture rest for 4mintutes, providing time and flax to bind everything together. Should look just like the dough from the photograph above. If your dough is becoming too thick, stir before pulling out on your sheet, 2 tbsp milk.
  3. These cookies do not spread while baking, so I love to press on the dough with the palm of the hands.
  4. Bake for 15--18 minutes, or until biscuits are golden around the edges.
  5. Store leftovers in an airtight container for two --3 times. Makes 8--9 biscuits.
  6. *May create your own by grinding oats in coffee grinder or a food processor.
  7. **Can substitute an equivalent number of seeds, nuts, or even dry fruit.

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