Frappe or Cioffe: Italian Bow Tie Cookies

Frappe or even Cioffe are conventional Carnevale Italian bow tie biscuits, for want of a better title. The fried sweetened dough tastes equally with a spoonful of powdered sugar, particularly as heavenly, and works mild as wings!

This causes a problem for those people who know of those fried bow tie cookies that are Italian, but do not understand what they're called or can't recall their name. Hunts that lead readers to the page's list contains things like wings recipe, Italian biscuits that are fried, bow tie biscuits that are Italian, and ribbon biscuits. They are not biscuits, but pastries it is what individuals are currently using to consult with them.

They are usually created with Some Kind of spirits, such as marsala or rum, but I have made them with great old Scotch whisky, so they are like meSCOTTISH-ITALIAN!"

Frappe or Cioffe: Ribbons and Bows of Fried Sweetened Dough
A traditional cure known by a lot of names in Italy. Created for Christmas and Carnevale.

PREP TIME:30 minutes
COOK TIME:10 minutes
TOTAL TIME:40 minutes


  1. 3 large eggs
  2. 1/4 cup (2 ounces ) sugar
  3. 1/4 cup (2 ounces ) Scotch whisky (or some other similar, clear liquor)
  4. 1/4 tsp salt
  5. oil for frying


  1. With a stand mixer, put eggs, salt, sugar, and whisky at a big bowl and mix for 2 minutes or so (if making by hand, mix the ingredients, and stir well with a wooden spoon)
  2. Add 1 cup (in UK, simply use a normal cup-no need to quantify ) of bread and blend well.
  3. Add the flour and blend until a dough forms that are sticky.
  4. Remove from refrigerator and cut dough in half and roll out a single piece on workspace.
  5. In case it becomes too thick, dough will be elastic, however re-roll it.
  6. Cut a strip: about 6 or 7 inches is a fantastic size, although no dimensions is either wrong or right. Create just a cut towards a single conclusion. Put the end and pull to earn a ribbon form. Repeat, until dough all is employed.
  7. Before falling the aisle at the oil, then pull and pull every one, so it is thinner (since they shrink after being shaped) then start skillet until puffed and light brown on each side.
  8. It's actually tough to state since it is dependent on what size and thickness and shape, just how many this makes you create them.

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