Peanut Butter Butterfinger Cookies

Peanut butter butterfinger biscuits! These biscuits are going to be your companion, if you like Butterfingers peanut butter then! Packed with a lot of Butterfinger candy bars, peanut butter chips, and peanut butter.

These biscuits are (for right now) my favourite cookie that I have posted on this site. They're tasty and packed with Butterfinger taste and this peanut butter which most of us love.

My favourite part are these chunks of the butter chips and Butterfinger bits. So that it's a second favorite in my own world it's packed with peanut butter.

Prep Time:10 mins
Cook Time:9 mins
Overall Time:19 mins

Peanut butter butterfinger biscuits! These biscuits are going to be your companion, if you like Butterfingers peanut butter then! Packed with a lot of Butterfinger candy bars, peanut butter chips, and peanut butter.

Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: biscuits, dessert, peanut butter


  1. 2 large eggs
  2. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  3. 1 tsp baking soda
  4. 1 cup sliced butterfinger candy bars (approximately 3 candy bars)


  1. Get cookie sheets by lining with silpat lining, parchment paper or spray.
  2. In even the bowl of a stand, or a big bowl using a mixer mixer mix brown sugar, granulated sugar, butter, and peanut butter together. Mix together until it's light and blended in colour. Add eggs and vanilla extract. Blend together.
  3. Add flour and baking soda and mix to blend. I discovered this easiest to do using a wooden spoon (it is going to take a couple of minutes since the dough is thicker). Add crushed Butterfingers and the peanut butter chips, After the flour is integrated. Mix until combined.
  4. Roll cookie dough into a ball, about tbsp of bread (size of a golf ball) or use a small cookie scoop. Cookies don't spread while baking. I haven't cooked these 10 minutes. Peanut butter cookie proceed dry if they're cooked for a long time.
  5. It is possible to leave press a couple peanut butter, or bloated, biscuits chips/Butterfinger balls on tops of these biscuits to press down on the cookie. This is precisely what I do. They continue to be bloated & thick but seem like a cookie cutter form.
  6. Peanut butter works great at those biscuits.
  7. I'd recommend not using natural peanut butter. It is thicker that will make more thicker, dense, and biscuits chewy. I discover they dry out easily with butter. Nonetheless, you could check it out.
  8. I use butter in these biscuits. If you do not need the salt use unsalted. Therefore you should be OK with taste peanut butter is quite salty. I believe so that's why I use it salted butter adds taste to baked products.

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