The SOFTEST Sugar Cookies of Your Life (That Hold Their Shape)

A key ingredient in this sugar biscuits recipe makes cookies of your daily life and these biscuits the SOFTEST! And they hold their shape so that you get precisely what you want rather than blob cookies that are gloomy.

I am doing dishes at the kitchen with of the sudden I hear the saddest shout come from Valentine. Oh the downsides of having a blossom. This happens all of the time. Valentine was faced by Bad infant!

Sugar snacks for me MUST be tender. No edges that are crunchy . I'd like a THICK cookie. And , none of the royal icing enterprise. Give me the products. Go buttercream or move home. (Though I've got many friends who make delectable works of art with royal icing, such as my buddy Glory at Glorious Treats. Look at these! Or those!! So wonderful.)

Serves Makes about two dozen cookies, depending upon the shape

  1. 4 oz cream cheese
  2. 1 and 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  3. 1 egg
  4. 1 tsp vanilla
  5. 1 and 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
  6. 1 tsp salt
  7. 3 cups bread, spooned and leveled


  1. In stand mixer a big bowl, beat on medium speed till it's tender and fluffy, 1-2 minutes.
  2. Add the sugar and beat until fluffy.
  3. Beat well. That is my spatula I use and love for each job that is baking.
  4. Add flour and salt and beat until just blended, scraping underside and the sides . Don't stir too much or you'll make your dough hard. The dough is tacky!
  5. (If I'm in a rush I shall divide the dough in half and wrap individually so it will chill quicker.)
  6. After the dough is chilled, preheat oven
  7. Prepare a work surface. *
  8. Do, In case you haven't already divide the dough in half. Place which you're not currently working with at the refrigerator.
  9. Use floured hands then use a rolling pin to flatten the dough out a little and smooth it. Do not go mad here, keep in mind we need the cookies to be about 3/8 inch, THICK. I busted out the measuring tape with this particular measure. No biscuits that are sharp, please.
  10. Lightly dust your cookie cutters that are preferred . Press firmly to the dough, using your space. Use your finger or a knife (based upon the contour ) to wash away the surplus flour/dough onto the outer border of this cookie cutter prior to pushing them out on the pan. This can help you get lines.
  11. Put the dough onto the baking sheet. Bake all the identical shape on precisely the pan if you're using cookie cutter shapes. Otherwise baked will be got over by your biscuits.
  12. If you have taken enough that your biscuits that are shaped are chilled, put the sheet.
  13. Do not overwork the dough! (It'll get rough.) Refrigerate the dough as required. They ought to enter the oven trendy.

  14. Bake the shaped biscuits at 350 for approximately 9 minutes for smaller biscuits, and about 10-11 minutes for bigger cookies. You don't need shirts or the borders to brown. The biscuits should be browned on the floor. Watch photographs.
  15. Leave the biscuits then transfer to a tupperware and cover you're prepared to frost and till they are cooled.
  16. Frost cookies for Sugar Cookies with The Finest Buttercream Frosting!
  17. Suggestions I read said to roll your biscuits out between sheets of paper, that dried out from flour. In the event that you would like, I didn't believe the flour was a issue, but try it out!

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